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About Us - SVP India

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Working towards an equitable India

India is a country of contrasts. While our cities boom and stock markets rise, millions of our citizens live below the poverty line, with no access to basic resources like health care, nutrition, education, and clean water. 

If we are to advance as a nation, it is essential to reduce these societal inequities, thereby ensuring the opportunity for every Indian to achieve their greatest potential.

Many individuals want to get involved; however, given the scale of the problems, many are left wondering, “How can I make a difference?” or “How do I know which NGO is doing good work?”. SVP India has the answers.

Better Philanthropists Stronger NGOs Bigger Impact

Many individuals want to get involved, however, given the scale of the problems, many are left wondering “How can I make a difference?” or “How do I know which NGO is doing good work?”. SVP India has the answers.

Engaged Philanthropists Stronger NGOs Bigger Impact

At SVP India, we help you begin your philanthropic journey by :

The SVP India Model

Across our chapters, this is the framework of how we operate.
The time commitment and expectations for each role, be it a Lead Partner or a member of the Grants or Review committees, are well-defined and clearly communicated to potential members in order to find a good fit for each partner.
SVP India signs on ‘partners’ interested in getting involved with philanthropy hands-on rather than in a cheque writing capacity.
Our partners pool together their capital contributions, and as a group, we decide on a few NGOs to support, after going through an exhaustive due diligence and selection process conducted by a partner-led Grants Committee.
During the selection process, we work to understand which areas of capacity need to be built in the NGO to grow and scale and reach more beneficiaries.
After selection, we assign 3 Partners to an NGO who serve as Lead Partners and have professional skills in the areas identified for support.
The Lead Partners work with the NGO for three years and mentor and build their capacity. When required, they contact the entire partner group for additional input.
On a six-monthly basis, the lead partners and the NGO present to a Review Committee (again made of Partners) to ensure mutual satisfaction with the engagement.

SVP India in the news

* Hours Volunteered
       By Partners
0 +
      * Hours   Volunteered
    By Partners
0 +
0 +
* NGOs
0 +
* Disbursed to
 Portfolio NGOs
0 Cr
* Disbursed to Portfolio NGOs
Rs 0 Million

* Cumulative as of March 31st, 2023

About SVP International

Today the impact of SVP is felt around the globe. There are now SVP chapters in 43 cities across eight countries, and more than 3,400 SVP partners have contributed more than $80+ million in grants.
It all began in 1997 in the Seattle region, where a new generation of prosperous entrepreneurs was exiting the technology industry and wanted to give back to their communities.

Aldus Corp. founder Paul Brainerd began by calling his philanthropic-minded friends, including Microsoft alumni Ida Cole, Scott Oki, Bill Neukom, tech veteran Doug Walker, and his wife, Maggie. This group invited their friends and colleagues to a meeting where they talked about what they were each accomplishing individually in the community. However, they thought there should be more of a collective, strategic effort. The result would become Social Venture Partners.

Social Venture Partners
started with two
goals in mind:

