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Sravanthi Koduru - SVP India

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Sravanthi Koduru


Sravanthi is an Indian School of Business Alum Batch of 2004. She headed the International Business Development at Shantha Biotechnics for the longest time before she started Shubhra Biotech, in 2012, with the aim of treating Human waste into reusable waste for Agriculture.

She has been a Trustee for Shantha Vasantha Trust and contributed towards Education, Health, and Culture. Her areas of expertise are Healthcare and Waste Management where she would like to contribute her time whilst at SVP.

She is a cuisine connoisseur and also enjoys travelling, watching movies, and adventure sports.

Sravanthi is a mother of two teenage children, Srivar and Sritha. She thoroughly enjoys her family time.

Partner since 2021

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