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Rajani Jalan and Gaurav Jalan - SVP India

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Rajani Jalan and Gaurav Jalan



Rajani has graduated in textile design from the Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC. She has worked with multiple brands throughout her career and currently serves as the Director of CSR at mPokket. Rajani is deeply passionate about art and is an accomplished artist in her own right. Travel is what keeps her sane.
Gaurav is the Founder and CEO of mPokket, an app-based lending platform. He holds an MBA in Finance from Columbia Business School. Gaurav’s passions and specialities include Fintech, Lending, Payments, Value Investing, as well as various sectors such as Telecom, Utilities, Industrials, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Chemicals, and Aviation. Both Rajani and Gaurav are devoted parents to two beautiful daughters.
On the philanthropy side, they are committed to making an impact in empowering women and supporting children in need through various initiatives with SVP.

April 2024

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