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Priyanka Nighot - SVP India

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Priyanka Nighot

Program Manager

Priyanka brings over 4 years of work experience, primarily in the development sector, where she has been dedicated to working with underprivileged youth and children. She holds a commerce degree from Mumbai University and was honoured with a scholarship from the U.S. Department of State, which allowed her to study Business Administration and Management at Northern Virginia Community College for a year.
During her career, Priyanka has worked with the State Education Department of Maharashtra to implement quality vocational education in government schools, aligning with the National Education Policy of 2020.

Outside of work, Priyanka has a strong passion for traveling, which has broadened her perspective and highlighted the importance of embracing different cultures and their richness.

At her core, Priyanka is firmly dedicated to the belief that providing quality education to every child, no matter their background, can be the foundation for a fairer society and a better world for everyone.

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