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Pauline Laravoire - SVP India

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Pauline Laravoire

Grants Committee Member, Lead Partner

Garbage Free India

About the partner

Pauline Laravoire comes from Paris and has lived in Kolkata for the past four years. She holds a master’s degree in Sustainability and Social Innovation from HEC Paris and developed expertise in strategy consulting, social entrepreneurship, impact assessment, and community building over the years. She is associated with Techno India Group as Sustainability Director and co-founded Eastern India-focused, SDG-focused, network-based venture Y-East after moving to India. Overall, she has developed a passion for building communities of organizations towards sustainability through community-based ventures Y-East, Youth for Sustainability India Alliance, and #LearningPlanet. She loves walking, singing, and yoga-ing and is currently trying to learn Bangla.

My Journey at SVP

Partner since 2022

I have been very keen to start my philanthropic journey with SVP. I had already been admiring SVP’s investment and mentoring-based approach for a while when I met with one of the existing Kolkata partners who convinced me to join SVP as a partner of the Kolkata chapter. Having worked in social and environmental sustainability for a few years, I look forward to adding my expertise, opening new avenues for SVP, and learning about other SVP Kolkata projects.

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