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Madhav Kejriwal - SVP India

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Madhav Kejriwal


About the partner

Madhav is 27 years old and is the youngest brother to three elder sisters. Madhav has been with the family business since the last 8 years and has been involved in manufacturing, sales & marketing, and supply chain management.
His current and past engagements with philanthropy have been limited to donations in the form of money, clothes and food. With SVP he looks forward to his journey as an engaged philanthropist.

My Journey at SVP

Partner Since March

I have been very keen to start my philanthropic journey with SVP. I had already been admiring SVP’s investment approach for while when I met with one of the existing Kolkata partners who convinced me to join SVP as a partner of the Kolkata chapter. I am highly interested in causes like working towards an inclusive workforce – working with people with disability, with children – education, nutrition, livelihood opportunities, animal rights and safety. He is passionate about horse riding and loves to spend time in the outdoors.

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