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Jinny Uppal - SVP India

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Jinny Uppal

Grants Committee Member, Partner

Jinny Uppal has 20+ years of experience in driving transformational growth by challenging existing norms in business with Fortune 500 consumer companies. Most recently, she was Vice President of Strategy at a $12B North American retailer. She is currently a Consultant, Board Advisor and Investor.

Jinny grew up in Mumbai and is a graduate of Florida International University and Harvard Business School. She has practiced Vedic non-dualist and Buddhist philosophies since 2008. In her multiple award winning book- “IN/ACTION: Rethinking the Path to Results”, she explores the intersection of behavioral science, decision making and leadership principles to present counter intuitive strategies for effective decision making and getting results.

Jinny has actively worked with United States (US) and non US NGOs in varying capacities for over 20 years.

Partner since 2023

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