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Dhiraj Arora - SVP India

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Dhiraj Arora

Lead Partner

About the partner

Dhiraj Arora is a Calcuttan from St Xavier’s Kolkata and completed his BBA studies in Canada. Later, he started Cochrane Place amidst the tea estates of Kurseong. In 2007 Mr. Arora married Priti, who has an Economics and Hospitality background, and they ran two restaurants in Singapore together. Mr. Arora has also juggled roles at Cochrane Place and two boutique properties – The Ivy House and Mandeville in Kolkata.
In 2015 he furthered his education with an MBA from ESCEM, France, and also is a Tea Sommelier from The World Tea Academy, USA, Tea Sommelier Institute, Sri Lanka, and World Tea Masters, USA. 4 years back, they started Karma Kettle which supplies gourmet tea and coffee. His other hobbies include yoga, swimming, and books.

My Journey at SVP

Partner since 2020

SVP India is an eye-opener. Philanthropy has traditionally been seen as a retirement exercise or a corporate or HNI cause. For the first time, anybody with an inclination to collaborate and attempt to make a change can do so by sparing some funds and, more – importantly – time, experience, expertise, and contacts. It’s a commitment that is required, and for me, these two years spent with Mitti have been enriching. I can see the difference our small ‘interventions’ make, and I hope to start working with more nonprofits this year.

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