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Belur Sethuram - SVP India

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Belur Sethuram

Lead Partner

Sparsha Charitable Trust

About the partner

Sethu is the Managing Director of Celanese India, a US-based Chemicals and Plastics company. He enjoys organisation and talent building, and cultural integration of company acquisitions. He’s proud of the work Celanese does in the sustainability space and with recycled engineering plastics.
Sethu is exploring alternate working identities in the social space with SVP & NGO Mann. He is a certified executive coach.
On the home front, Sethu is parent to 13-year-old twin girls, Anjali and Apoorva, and husband to Madhuri. Covid has brought the family even closer, and Sethu and Madhuri now enjoy games like Heads Up, introduced by their daughters.
Sethu enjoys immersive travel and cooking (judged by his discerning daughters!) – Japanese and Thai are his favorite cuisines.

My Journey at SVP

“Prior to joining SVP, I had only a peripheral idea of the social space. While I knew it played an important role in society and I admired those who complemented/gave up a corporate career to work in the sector, the extent of my contribution was that I had donated some money. SVP gave me an opportunity to learn more about the sector in a structured manner, get exposed to various NGOs working in different areas and the impact they have had, how they operate, get funding etc. It has also been great meeting like-minded SVP partners from a variety of backgrounds.

SVP has a lot of potential given the depth and experience of its partners and the nationwide reach it has. It also provides a nice platform for capable and accomplished individuals keen on learning more about the social sector and philanthropy. Thanks to folks like Arshiya, it is well-managed and organized.

Working with Mann (NGO investee of SVP Mumbai) has been an eye-opening and enjoyable experience. The founders bring incredible and contagious passion to what they do, and despite a huge number of challenges, manage to stay positive and action-oriented.”

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