Adarsh Tulshan - SVP India

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Adarsh Tulshan

Partner, Chapter Management Committee Member

Garbage Free India

About the partner

Adarsh is the Operational Head and a Director in Kolkata-based Celica Group of companies, having interests in real estate, automobiles and finance. He is a performance automobile enthusiast and prime mover behind the Celica automobiles business, which currently handles a bouquet of marquee brands like Harley-Davidson, Jeep, Fiat, Kia and Citroen.

Adarsh is committed to giving back to the less privileged in society and is very involved in initiatives to improve healthcare facilities for the elderly and education for the underprivileged.

A keen sportsman, Adarsh is married to Mansi, an NYU-qualified professional holistic psychotherapist and Journey Practitioner. They are parents to Ahaan and Mishka.

My Journey at SVP

“I am constantly aware of my responsibility to contribute back to the society that has given me so much. I have also learnt that every small bit we do can make a difference in someone’s life. What drew me to SVP in the first place was the realization that if my own small contribution could make a difference, the combined impact could be much larger if I linked up my effort with those of other people having the same mission. I think SVP provides the perfect platform for this by bringing together many different individuals, often geographically separated, yet committed to addressing and solving complex social issues.

I feel the biggest commitment I can make to SVP is my time which, as a result of all that I’m involved in, is my most valuable commodity. Being a part of SVP gives me the personal sense of fulfillment of being part of a group that gets together to make a difference a in the lives of people we support by making them self-reliant. At the same time, it also allows me the opportunity to interact with some great likeminded people I would not have know otherwise.”

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