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The Association of People with Disability (APD) has served 5,69,280+ people with disabilities and their families, sensitized 10,09,188+ people, distributed 68,937+ assistive devices and mobility aids since 2004, and educated 41,693 children.

Duration of Support

Partner since 2020

SVP Lead Partners

Sashi Rajamani, Jayashree Vaitheeswaran, Abubaker Koya, Shamina Azeez

Duration of Support

Partner since 2020

SVP Lead Partners

Sashi Rajamani, Jayashree Vaitheeswaran, Abubaker Koya, Shamina Azeez

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Home » Our Investees » APD



The Association of People with Disability (APD) has served 5,69,280+ people with disabilities and their families, sensitized 10,09,188+ people, distributed 68,937+ assistive devices and mobility aids since 2004, and educated 41,693 children.

Duration of Support

Partner since 2020

SVP Lead Partners

Sashi Rajamani, Jayashree Vaitheeswaran, Abubaker Koya, Shamina Azeez

The SVP-APD Partnership

SVP is currently funding APD’s Rural Employment Lead and employment training for People with Disabilities in Gokak at the BIRDS campus. 20 youths with disabilities from nearby rural areas are getting trained in horticulture to taking up jobs or are ready for self-employment in their native land.

Story of success

SVP has been instrumental in connecting APD with Atree, who collaborated to train people with disabilities in Lantana furniture-making as part of APD’s Livelihood program. SVP has also connected APD to IIHR and the scientists conducted training programs in cocopeat and mushroom growing successfully.
Apart from these, SVP has introduced APD to several potential donors and arranged one-to-one meetings to discuss various APD programs.
Lead partner support has resulted in the creation of three new program models in the livelihood space for people with disabilities (Rural Horticulture Training, mushroom cultivation, and future-focused jobs). With SVP Bangalore’s support, APD has been able to raise several crores in grant funding over the past 12 months from donors like Juniper, Colin’s aerospace, etc.

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