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Mitti Cafe - SVP India

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Mitti Cafe


- Alumni

Vision: Mitti Cafe’s vision is economic empowerment for all by creating opportunities for sustainable livelihoods for persons with disabilities through visible, tangible models of inclusion that can be emulated across the globe- fueled by the participation and involvement of the community.
Mission: Create platforms for adults with physical, intellectual and psychiatric disabilities to showcase their abundant potential for productive activity and create awareness for the cause of economic independence and dignity for all.

Mitti Café is a chain of cafes across India that provides experiential training and employment to adults with physical and intellectual disabilities (PWDs). The organisation’s outreach initiatives help create awareness about inclusion and disability rights.

Duration of Support


SVP Lead Partners

Pradeep Grama, Lalit Pai, K.G. Mohan, Shashi Rajamani, Sunil Bhandari, Tanuja Bhandari, Adarsh Tulshan, Dhiraj Arora and Yagnesh Bagdoria

Duration of Support


SVP Lead Partners

Pradeep Grama, Lalit Pai, K.G. Mohan, Shashi Rajamani, Sunil Bhandari, Tanuja Bhandari, Adarsh Tulshan, Dhiraj Arora and Yagnesh Bagdoria

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Home » Our Investees » Mitti Cafe

Mitti Cafe


- Alumni

Vision: Mitti Cafe’s vision is economic empowerment for all by creating opportunities for sustainable livelihoods for persons with disabilities through visible, tangible models of inclusion that can be emulated across the globe- fueled by the participation and involvement of the community.
Mission: Create platforms for adults with physical, intellectual and psychiatric disabilities to showcase their abundant potential for productive activity and create awareness for the cause of economic independence and dignity for all.

Mitti Café is a chain of cafes across India that provides experiential training and employment to adults with physical and intellectual disabilities (PWDs). The organisation’s outreach initiatives help create awareness about inclusion and disability rights.

Duration of Support


SVP Lead Partners

Pradeep Grama, Lalit Pai, K.G. Mohan, Shashi Rajamani, Sunil Bhandari, Tanuja Bhandari, Adarsh Tulshan, Dhiraj Arora and Yagnesh Bagdoria

SVP-Mitti Cafe Partnership

SVP Bangalore discovered Mitti Café in 2018, when they were 1 café and 3 employees with disabilities. With the mentorship and grant support given by SVP Partners, Mitti has been able to scale their impact towards generating skilling and livelihood opportunities for hundreds of PWDs coming from low income backgrounds. SVP has the potential to enable organisations like Mitti to scale their impact towards realising the collective vision of economic independence and dignity for the last mile.
In 2020, SVP was instrumental in the launch of Mitti’s Kolkata chapter by connecting them with NSHM Knowledge Campus, and sponsoring the set up of their first café at Kolkata, employing 5 persons with disability. This year, SVP Kolkata has sponsored Mitti to set up an experiential center in a public space – to be opened soon – which will enable them to generate livelihoods for an additional 20+ PwDs.

Story of success

With SVP’s funding, MITTI Café has been serving Karuna Meals to the economically vulnerable since the onset of the lockdown. The meals are cooked and served with compassion by their specially-abled team. Part of the donation per meal (INR 25 is the cost of an entire meal) goes toward the labor cost of their employees with disability. This enables Mitti to foster livelihood opportunities for adults with disability, who get an opportunity to earn with dignity, while serving the community.
The SVP family has also supported Mitti with mentorship which was multiple times more valuable than the generous cheques given to us. Mitti not only scaled to public cafes and cloud kitchens during COVID, ensuring that their team of adults with disability were supported, but also served more than 13 lakh meals to the poor and the vulnerable in the last one year. Each of these were cooked and served by our team of adults with disabilities, enabling Mitti to create awareness about the magic of abilities.

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