Diksha - SVP India

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DIKSHA is a rights-skills-building organisation working with children and women from marginalised communities. DIKSHA engages girls and boys together as equal partners in change to evolve as community leaders and transform their communities towards gender justice, inclusivity, and free of inequalities.

Duration of Support

August, 2023 To July, 2026

SVP Lead Partners

Abhijit Banerjee Divya Tulsyan Sunil Bhandari

Duration of Support

August, 2023 To July, 2026

SVP Lead Partners

Abhijit Banerjee Divya Tulsyan Sunil Bhandari

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Home » Our Investees » Diksha



DIKSHA is a rights-skills-building organisation working with children and women from marginalised communities. DIKSHA engages girls and boys together as equal partners in change to evolve as community leaders and transform their communities towards gender justice, inclusivity, and free of inequalities.

Duration of Support

August, 2023 To July, 2026

SVP Lead Partners

Abhijit Banerjee Divya Tulsyan Sunil Bhandari

SVP - Diksha Partnership

SVP India is supporting DIKSHA to start and operate Drop-in-Centres (DiCs) in the red light areas of Kolkata to create awareness, conduct residential workshops, community programs, and form women’s community groups to prevent forced entry into the sex trade for girls: 100-150 households. To prevent the inevitable dependence on the red-light area economy for boys: 100-150 households. The gradual elimination of all forms of child abuse (physical, verbal, emotional, and sexual) from the programme areas and holistic development of nearly 500 direct participating children to enable them to write their own life-scripts and create an impact on more than 3000 children (indirect beneficiaries).

Story of success

The collectivisation of adolescents and women in the Kalighat Red Light Area has resulted in the complete elimination of pimps and madams there. No in or out trafficking happens from Kalighat any longer. No underage girl is engaged in the sex trade. The relationship between the RLA children & women, and bodies of power like the local police station, the councillor, school teachers of government schools in the area, etc has completely changed: from stigma and exclusion to mutual trust and dependence. This is the biggest success story of the DIKSHA model.

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