Good Universe works with women and adolescent girls in communities and schools to create sustainable menstruation awareness and practices in rural and urban Telangana. Vision of the Organization is to Empowering women and girls with sustainable menstrual health solutions.
Good Universe works with women and adolescent girls in communities and schools to create sustainable menstruation awareness and practices in rural and urban Telangana. Vision of the Organization is to Empowering women and girls with sustainable menstrual health solutions.
SVP has been supporting Good Universe since 2023. SVP is assisting Good Universe with Project Hibiscus, aimed at creating sustainable menstrual hygiene management in ZPHS and KGBV schools for adolescent girls. SVP is also providing support with strategy in communication, finance, and operations as well as finance for the Human resource of the Organization. Through Daan utsav, SVP helped to raise 11 lakh + amount to scale the project to meheboobnagar, Telangana.