Voice of Needy Foundation - SVP India

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Voice of Needy Foundation


Voice of Needy Foundation (VNF) is a Bangalore headquartered NGO working across Karnataka in the field of Disability. After 3 years of intensive field work, VNF was formally registered in 2013. Within disability, our focus has been to work with the most disadvantaged amongst them. Our bias is towards the school drop-outs, the very poor and the more severely disabled.

SVP Lead Partners

TV Srinivasan, Ram Ramaswamy, Jayashree Vaitheeswaran

SVP Lead Partners

TV Srinivasan, Ram Ramaswamy, Jayashree Vaitheeswaran

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Home » Our Investees » Voice of Needy Foundation

Voice of Needy Foundation


Voice of Needy Foundation (VNF) is a Bangalore headquartered NGO working across Karnataka in the field of Disability. After 3 years of intensive field work, VNF was formally registered in 2013. Within disability, our focus has been to work with the most disadvantaged amongst them. Our bias is towards the school drop-outs, the very poor and the more severely disabled.

SVP Lead Partners

TV Srinivasan, Ram Ramaswamy, Jayashree Vaitheeswaran

Along with funding, SVP is supporting with:
Capacity building – SVP Team supported on proposal building, program planning,different capacity building online sessions and LPs supporting on program management and resource mapping
Networking and facilitation – SVP connecting VNF in different platforms like sattva IPN etc..

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