Anand Sen - SVP India

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Anand Sen


Anand recently retired from an illustrious corporate career spanning 4 decades in Tata Steel Ltd. He superannuated in 2019 as President (TQM & Steel). He then joined Tata International as COO and served as Managing Director from 2021 – March 2024.
He was a keen sportsman, having played cricket and basketball at Univ level. He now would like to help NGOs and Startup’s involved in education, health, and under funded areas where they can scale and make a difference to the community they serve. He is looking forward to an opportunity to be part of a vibrant group, where he can learn and appreciate new ways of making a difference.
Anand joined SVP with a desire to give back to the community and be engaged in the early stage startups.

May 2024

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