Dakshini Prayash - SVP India

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Dakshini Prayash


Dakshini Prayash is enabling a holistically developed society at the Madurdaha village, built on three primary pillars of sustainability – education, health care, and self-reliance.

Duration of Support

March, 202 To Feb, 2027

SVP Lead Partners

Ashwini Agarwal, Sudhir Kothari, Neha Jhunjhunwala, Pulkit Jhunjhunwala

Duration of Support

March, 202 To Feb, 2027

SVP Lead Partners

Ashwini Agarwal, Sudhir Kothari, Neha Jhunjhunwala, Pulkit Jhunjhunwala

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Home » Our Investees » Dakshini Prayash

Dakshini Prayash


Dakshini Prayash is enabling a holistically developed society at the Madurdaha village, built on three primary pillars of sustainability – education, health care, and self-reliance.

Duration of Support

March, 202 To Feb, 2027

SVP Lead Partners

Ashwini Agarwal, Sudhir Kothari, Neha Jhunjhunwala, Pulkit Jhunjhunwala

SVP India is supporting Dakshini Prayash with manpower hiring, induction, and mentoring. To create avenues for Training with certified/qualified professionals for capacity building and to support smoothening and digitizing their operations to increase the sales volumes and variety of product types.

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