Safa India - SVP India

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Safa India


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Safa is a Hyderabad-based non-profit that strives to improve the financial status of women and youth from marginalized, socio-economically backward communities by empowering them with education and skill training. The focus is on helping women recognize their worth and potential and take initiative for themselves.

Duration of Support


SVP Lead Partners

Preeti Khandelwal, Sunita Cheruku Reddy

Duration of Support


SVP Lead Partners

Preeti Khandelwal, Sunita Cheruku Reddy

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Home » Our Investees » Safa India

Safa India


- Alumni

Safa is a Hyderabad-based non-profit that strives to improve the financial status of women and youth from marginalized, socio-economically backward communities by empowering them with education and skill training. The focus is on helping women recognize their worth and potential and take initiative for themselves.

Duration of Support


SVP Lead Partners

Preeti Khandelwal, Sunita Cheruku Reddy

SVP-Safa Partnership

Safa has been fortunate to have the able guidance of the SVP team in creating a vision as a social enterprise. Also, to begin with, we have had our evaluation done to assess the current organizational standing and the areas of support that we need. The SVP partners allocated to us for mentoring have shared their expertise with immense passion and curation, and have given us candid opinions on our plans and approach.

Story of success

We started dry ration distribution from as early as the lockdown was announced. When the numbers to be supported had grown, we were facing difficulties in figuring out vendors to supply us big volumes of ration at competitive prices, as everything was shut and there was limited mobility. SVP pitched in here and connected us to a flour mill on the outskirts of Hyderabad, and they provided us with 5000kg of Atta (Wheat Flour) for free. Not just that, SVP through its networks helped our truck to navigate and pass through the police check posts by acquiring the needed permissions. We are grateful for the support of SVP which went just beyond financial and consultation, and catered to the need of the hour.

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