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Swasti livelihood programme orientation - SVP India

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Swasti livelihood programme orientation
11:00 AM-
06:00 PM
Category : Chapter

SVP Hyderabad partner NGO Swasti , the health catalyst, initiated a unique programme for facilitating diversified/alternative livelihood projects with two Community-Based Organizations (CBOs). The primary objective is to facilitate access to financial and social security services for 2000 Community members and support 200 members in starting diversified livelihood activities to earn additional income to fulfill their basic needs. 10 Community leaders and 12 Project staff participated in the 2-day orientation program. Training focused on providing clarity on:

  • the concept of diversified livelihoods
  • microfinance
  • development of business plans
  • roles and responsibilities of team members
  • identification and prioritization of community members to start diversified livelihoods
  • resource mobilization and marketing techniques.
    It was so heartening to see the women super engaged and excited to take this programme forward for their community members. SVP-Hyderabad is proud of being a part of this journey- transforming the lives of 200 community members over the next 12 months.

Our partner Sunita Reddy Cheruku and consultant Taru Golla represented SVP Hyderabad and co-facilitated the training in Warangal.


